

In addition to the training courses that we provide and regular activities in the capacity of supercargo or surveyor, on account of our very specialised knowledge we are often flown in to deal with complex chemistry issues and filtration challenges. You will find an overview of projects that we are working on or that we have worked on in the past below:

  • Worked on, and found solutions for Multipal and various complex issues.
  • Solutions found for contaminated engine oil.
  • Solutions found for particles in Bio Diesel.
  • Solutions found for water in Bio Diesel.
  • Solutions found for ash in Bio Diesel.
  • Chlorine problem resolved at a tanker washing installation.
  • Reprocessing of LNG / LPG.
  • Solutions found for dissolved constituents in a mixture of chemicals.

Worked for:

  • Invista
  • Wibax
  • Vd Laarschot
  • Parker
  • Martest
  • Liquid Cargo services
  • US Gouvernement for training

An overview of our projects:

Filtration Hands on Training

Filtration Hands on Training

Final commisioning in Marokko

On board Supervision Filtration

Training by Saudi Arabian


Investigation of the events happened

Handeling dangerous Cargos

STS operations

Tank Inspection